Hari raya fall at 1st october which is my birthday..
This is the worse birthday ever..
I can't celebrate my birthday with anyone even my family..
On 1st octber we went to penang to celebrated raya with my mother's siblings. It was the most boring there ever. I wake up at 7 and i went out to go raya till 12 a.m a.k.a (2nd october)
My parent busy entertained and visited my cousin and aunty and uncle..
my friend also busy..
each house i went i sit quietly and i play at the porch..
yea very boring
say hai,eat,drink,sit quietly,eat,play outside, say goodbye, went back to the car, go other house, say hai,eat,drink,sit quietly,eat,play outside, say goodbye, went back to the car, go other house, say hai,eat,drink,sit quietly,eat,play outside, say goodbye, went back to the car, go other house, say hai,eat,drink,sit quietly,eat,play outside, say goodbye, went back to the car, go other house, say hai,eat,drink,sit quietly,eat,play outside, say goodbye, went back to the car, go other house, say hai,eat,drink,sit quietly,eat,play outside, say goodbye, went back to the car, go other house, say hai,eat,drink,sit quietly,eat,play outside, say goodbye, went back to the car, go other house, say hai,eat,drink,sit quietly,eat,play outside, say goodbye, went back to the car, go other house, say hai,eat,drink,sit quietly,eat,play outside, say goodbye, went back to the car, go other house,
and so on till 12 a.m
damn im so tired at that time...
16 years ago
lawaaa =D
put chatbox skali dlm blog bie
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